Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Dirt and Dust My Car... Brought Home

Oh, how wonderful, we're moving out of the city, to the country!
When we first moved to this dry high desert climate, we thought, "oh, how nice, we can breath!"

However, we lived on a dusty dirt road.

Our house is on a long acre, and is set back some 97 feet from the main dirt road, and our long curvy driveway is dirt too. Most of the acre is just dirt, only a few mature Poplar trees scattered here and there, with three Lilac bushes along our northwest fence.

Well, every time we drove our car, and when ever we came and went, or our neighbors drove back and forth down our road, dirt and dust would start spreading everywhere!

We had one neighbor, who lived on the other side of the gully, east of us, about a quarter of a mile away, who drove his pickup truck back and forth down our dirt road, not very fast, but it still picked up allot of billowing dust, as many as eight to ten times a day!

Guess where all that dirt and dust ended up?!

You betcha! It sucked strait into my living room, into my carpets, on my floors and all over everything! It would creep and seep into our house, and grind into the carpet!

My first question was, "How in the world am I going to get rid of all this dust and dirt?!!!"

I'm sure, I'm not the only person out there whose felt this way, or whose had this kind of dirt and dust problem. However, where we used to live, in a much moister climate, there was hardly any dust and dirt compared to where we live now!

In fact, if the problem ever were to completely stop, the vacuum cleaner companies would certainly close down and go out of business. Fat chance of that ever happening! They must love dry desert climates!

But let me tell you, every time I vacuum, you can literally hear the little sandy rocks being sucked up. Whew! Moving from a relatively low-dust state, into this new dry high dust environment has proven to me now, that house cleaning and vaccuming is a never ending job.

I have found that this struggle with the "dust from hell", has led me into this discussion of house cleaning, and comparing different kinds of vacuum cleaners I have used, and which vaccum cleaner/s has proven to work best for me, begins!!! ... ...

Oops, Look at the time!
Gotta go, it's time to cook up something for us to eat.

I'll continue this conversation in my next post...
I want you to hear all the little-gritty details ;-)

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